It's great to hear about your sleepover thing at the house with stars and all, sounds like your keeping it real back home.
This week has been awesome and full of miracles. I'll start by telling you about a less active member we met with this last week. His name was "wiwat". For the lesson we talked about the restoration of the gospel and watched the restoration video. Before we started Elder Dearden said "During this movie pay attention to your feelings and the thoughts you might have." During the movie the spirit was so strong and by the end everyone was feeling it. We talked for a minute and then we asked him how he felt. He paused for a while and then said "I know he's a prophet, this really did happen didn't it...?" He continued to bear strong testimony of Joseph Smith's experience and then said "Sometimes in life kids leave their home for different reasons, but eventually they realize where their food and shelter is...this is my home (pointing to the church) and I'm coming home..." There isn't anything that happens to a missionary that can compete with that. The love that filled that room is describable. I think of the story of the prodigal son who was lost in life and finally had an experience that urged him to return to his "father". The part I love the most is when the son returned to his father. When his son was "yet a great way off"... his father "came running to meet him". Our father in heaven is always reaching out to us and as soon as we turn to him he will come running to help us.
Our investigators are amazing, I love them to death. It's so great to see their desires change as they come to understand this message. We have one man who we gave a Book of Mormon to, in less than a week and a half he's almost finished with Mosiah, he's so excited to come to church and loves the members. This in only one of the many stories, I'm blown away with the blessings I've received. "Count your blessings name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the lord had done".
Elder Dearden and I have decided our physical frames are...well...could be better. We have been drinking soy milk like crazy, going running, and tons of push-ups. After this week we went to weigh ourselves at the 7-11 to find out we are losing weight (not exactly the goal), it was a bit sad, but being the manly men we are, next week we will be working harder, thinking bigger and hopefully seeing results. Just an FYI=)
Well time is up, I love you all, keep it up
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